New Website, New Photos Launch for Beautifēk

After much behind the scenes works, drawings/sketches, discussion, planning, we are ecstatic to finally announce that our new brand Beautifēk is launched!

New Name, Mission Still The Same

We are still committed to natural health, well-being and beauty from within. We believe beauty is from within. That is why our natural lipsticks are made with organic, moisturizing, anti-aging ingredients. Beautifēk For the woman who is god’s masterpiece. Ephesians 2:10.

Why Vegan and Cruelty-Free Lipstick Is Not Enough (Part 2)

Why Vegan and Cruelty-Free Lipstick Is Not Enough (Part 2)

Vegan or cruelty-free does not mean non-toxic, chemical free. In part two of our series, I will e...
How to Apply Our Lipstick

How to Apply Our Lipstick

When I created Hello Beautiful! Lipstick I chose not to include dyes or lake colorants, but want...